Monday, May 18, 2009

More Gun Control Legislation - From the Republican Side of the Aisle!

So you think you understand the two-party system? Democrats are for entitlement programs and Republicans are for Right to Bear Arms, Strong Military, etc. But wait! Don't forget, the Republican Party has been absolutely indundated with RINOs! Case in point: U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is proposing gun control legislation. Read about it here. Sounds reasonable enough right? It's labeled as keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists. Problem is there's no criteria, other than a big government politician's ruling (in this case Eric Holder) on who's a "suspected terrorist"! Wasn't just a month ago that during the tea parties that we were all labeled right-wing extremists by the Department of Homeland Security? There's a problem here.

Hey Washington, Pay Attention! Maryland's Millionaire Tax a Failure

The millionaire tax idea has already been tried and it failed miserably. Read it here.

This is exactly why we don't need the federal government dictating everything that must be done (or not done) by the states. The laboratory whereby we can learn from the successes and losses of others is built into our U.S. Constitution. Now that the federal government is going to lay an even heavier tax on the "richest 5%" we will get to witness Marylands failure on a nationwide level. So what happens when the "richest 5%" are no longer playing along with their game? The burden shifts downward; and when the next 5% stops - you guessed it - shifts downward even more. Meanwhile the burden for all the entitlement potentially becomes greater and greater as people from the top rungs of the ladder move themselves into position to receive benefits rather than pay for them.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's Going on With the Tea Party Movement?

Since this is a grassroots movement and not an organized campaign there is no single repository for Tea Party information. There are several good websites that should be explored:

and for Georgia

Monday, May 11, 2009

Free Cars for Welfare Recipients! Really.

If you've seen the commercial for the free cellphones for people on food stamps; we've now topped that.

Massachusetts has increased funding for a program intended to provide free cars for welfare recipients so they can get to work.

But wait there's more! If you're on welfare in Massachusetts, you can also get free insurance! We'd hate for you to have to buy your own insurance instead of having fun with that new paycheck.

But wait there's even more! They'll also throw in free car repairs and free AAA membership!!!!!

So hurry. Don't delay! All you welfare recipients move to Massachusetts today!

Read it here folks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Socialism Doesn't Work, In the UK or America

Andrews Lloyd Webber has published an opinion article (read it here) on the topic of taking from the rich to pay for entitlement programs. (Hmmmm ..... sounds familiar doesn't it?)

Here's an excerpt:

"I write this article because I fear the inevitable exodus of the talent that can dig us out of the hole we find ourselves in. It is inevitable, given that other countries are bidding for entrepreneurs. The Government must modify its proposals.
I give you this example. I have altered the details of the family I write about for obvious reasons. But the essentials are true.

Last Thursday I met with a thirtysomething guy. I absolutely depend on him in a highly technical area of theatrical production. For legal reasons he has to employ himself through his own company. Under the new tax regime, he will have to pay 13.3 per cent to employ himself before he pays himself anything. And then he will have to pay 51.5 per cent on what's left.
This is a guy at the cutting edge of his profession who works all over the world. He is in demand in every major territory where entertainment is produced. He has a young wife and two children. Last Thursday he told me that he and his wife had decided that the UK was no longer where they wanted to live.

His wife thinks the State education system is inadequate. And she fears that a bankrupt Britain will increasingly be a worse place in which to live as the horror of our present financial mess hits us all in the solar plexus.

He says that he is young enough to set up shop somewhere else. The new tax rates were the final straw. These talented young people know they will make it impossible for them to educate their kids privately in the UK."

So for those of you who may still believe that we can legislate prosperity by taking more and more from the wealth creators and giving it to those who only know how to consume entitlements, take note. The burden will become greater and greater as those at the top shrug off this burden (either by moving, not producing above a certain level, or moving themselves into the more beneficial consumption category). Every time a wealth produces shrugs, the burden falls down to the class at the next rung of the ladder. When they realize how much more weight they must carry to ensure all those entitlements for others, how long will they continue? The whole thing eventually collapses upon itself. It can be a slow, painful process or a quick, painful process - depending on the realization and decisions made by the wealth producers (not Washington). It leads to destruction either way.

Monday, April 6, 2009

National Defense Budget Cuts Ahead

This excerpt is frightening for those of us with loved ones in the service:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Robert Gates is recommending cuts for high-tech weapons programs he calls wasteful or ill-suited for the low-tech tasks of fighting insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gates was to lay out plans Monday to rearrange the huge Pentagon budget, some $534 billion for the coming year, to better address the wars the United States is fighting now and may fight in the future, Pentagon spokesmen said.